Friday, November 5, 2010

Basic concepts of loss of weight - part 1 - your BMR

In the iron will today is the first day of my weekly how to guides to lose weight, you can publish a new one every Wednesday. These posts are designed to break as easy as possible for a layman weight loss. Today's topic is BMR. BMR means basal metabolic rate. Not to be confused with meaning for body mass index BMI index. To explain this in simple terms, is the amount of calories each day that records only by being alive. Don't count on any type of exercise that you participate in. It could in that they are in your bed all day and save this amount of calories.

There are two ways to find your BMR.

1. Your body weight is multiplied by 10. This is a very general number thats not very accurate, but you can get a starting point.

2. Use a calculator in línea.puede very easily find a calculator online, go to google and type in bmr calculator. The first is that I use when I'm trying to figure out what is my BMR.What makes more accurate is that it takes your age and height as part of the equation that gives a more specific number.

You should now have your BMR.If you this many calories a day must maintain weight actual.Esto is called your "maintenance level" of caloric intacta.También there is something that can multiply your BMR to give a more accurate look at how many calories you need a day.

The Harris Benedict Equation takes into account what type of activities to do during the day. The more active you are, the largest multiplier which can add to your BMR calculation.

Lets do a quick example.

Here is a 150 lb male is 52 103 "in height."You say that it is 25.He must have a BMR around of 1719.5 according to the calculator.Now say that he is a student who does not go to the gym, but have to walk far class.We look at the Harris Benedict Equation and shows what slightly active.Therefore you can multiply your BMR by 1,375 to obtain about 2364calories per day for stay at its level of maintenance.

Here comes the first super secret to weight loss! to lose weight all you have to do is eat by virtue of their level of maintenance.You want to configure a deficit of about 300-500 calories diarias.Por is 1800-2000 calories diarias.Esto will make that losing weight! course all based from our man hasta.Usted has you find personal BMR of configuring a déficit.También don't want to cut too many calories a day, because it may hurt you more then helps long-term.

Prior to embarking on any again of course fitness regime call a doctor to be sure that you are physically capable of doing so.

This is all for this installment of "The basic of losing weight".the next week may talk about what to eat and how to configure their macro nutrients that you are taking the right amount of calories of good sources.

If you have any questions about post today leave me a comment or send me an email at


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