Saturday, October 16, 2010

Identity and weight loss: how you can shoot or sabotage your weight loss efforts?

To begin with an exercise! Unfortunately one that does not burn calories, but an exercise however.

I want to answer the following question, quickly and without thinking in words about 5.

OK ready? here are going. "How would you describe yourself, health and fitness wise?"

Do it? Nice and quickly without thinking too much about him? Limit yourself to about 5 words?(That would be so easy to follow and envelope!).Write before you forget. So how do you get?

I got: "FAT and unfit."EEK! That is not well.

Well, the downside is that you typed is your health and fitness identity and this "identity" has a powerful effect and control over their attempts to get in shape and live a healthy life. However, the good news is that you can control your identity and even decide what identity!

What is identity?Here is another exercise for you.

Enter into a relaxed state and say the following sentences. Leave a space between saying each. When you said the sentence note how you feel.It is ok?Are you ready? here are going.

A phrase: "I am a hen". Sentence two: "I am powerful". Sentence 3: "I am stupid".Frase four: "I'm a genius". Phrase five: "I am sick."Sentence 6: "I am healthy".

You have done it? what you will notice?

If you're like me would have noticed the following. When you said the negative statements felt bass tired and débil.Una another when he said that positive statements he felt strong, strong and confident.

What happened? When you said that the Declaration were giving you an identity, and body, mind and emotions were automatically and powerfully adjust to fall in line with their identity.Began to be stupid, evil and a gallina.Por side began to become a genius of the powerful and healthy. Do not last feel so much better than the first?

We have an identity for ourselves and actually have several: "I am a MOM," "I am an administrator", and "I am a boyfriend". Each identity immediately brings with it a number of programmes physical and mental.These will help you automatically meet our identity. Let's on autopilot towards the goal of our identity.

Is your positive or negative identity?Now is not the "I am a marathon runner fit, healthy and energetic" better than "I am fat and unfit"?Try to repeat the identities.The former feel SO much better huh?If you are as I almost may feel yourself triumphantly crossing the finish line!

Our principals govern all areas of our lives.If my identity was "I'm fat".Diet ing it would be hopeless, already would be just fighting against the inevitable.My options do not eat unhealthy food would be temporary, as it provided that gravitate to engorde.Si food on the other hand was saying that my identity was "Fine" my options to eat certain foods would be governed so that a person thin come.Esto allows you to tell me not to fatty foods insalubres.También could feel better about me same and have a positive image of itself.I would also weight loss to my ideal weight as natural and expected.

So what identity associated with you?Have carefully chosen this or just adopted unconsciously? choose your identity now and don't let that a powerful influence in his life at random!Cannot afford!Chose a positive identity fitness and health now and see how increasing your life and helps you achieve your ideal weight.

Perform a free ezine with an ezine diferencia.La weekly article is dedicated to weight loss and increasing general State of health and fitness. the how? my ezine does not get any new diet or exercise of regímenes.Sin embargo is what you find is instantly usable, easy and free personal development techniques adapted to the search for weight loss and achieve the body and health you want.

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If you register you'll get the ezine every Sunday, and each edition contains links to all the back issues.

Learn techniques such as: the use of language positivo.Riendo your way to health and fitness.Mantener a journal fitness.Figura Yourself Thin, fit and healthy. Configuring an inspiring health and fitness goals.

Who is Damian? I am only an average person, like you, who have a passion for personal development techniques and has been used to live my dreams health and fitness.Si I made possible so it! check out my ezine in now!

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