Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lose weight - And Keep it off

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I've been on just about every diet since my teenage years myself, but hadn't ever felt satisfied with the results. I did lose some weight, many times, but I always put the weight back on, and often some extra weight as well.

Then I realised where I was going wrong. The answer was not the greatest new whizz-bang diet. The answer was to stop looking diets and to start looking at lifestyle change. Since I made that realisation, I haven't 'gone a diet' again, and I probably never will. Going on a diet leads to going off a diet, and that's where the trouble starts - You might have been good as gold with your diet, and lose the weight you wanted to, but the diet ends and old habits fill the spot the diet had filled.

After the birth of my son, I stacked the kilograms on, and couldn't lose any weight no matter what I tried. I'm only 152 cm tall, and at my maximum weight of 65 kg, I was size 14-16 and very uncomfortable. Now, my dress size is 10, and I'm the slimmest and healthiest feeling I've been since I was twelve years old. It's taken me a while to get to 43kg, but I know I can stay at that weight by using the knowledge I now have. Don't go on a diet, change your lifestyle! It worked for me, it can work for you, too.

Changing your lifestyle means learning new and good habits to take you to a healthy weight and keep you there for the rest of your life. You and your family will all reap the rewards.


· Be realistic - don't set yourself up for a fall on this. If you currently don't do any exercise at all, start off walking for five or ten minutes a day - increase by 5 minutes a week, until you are walking for 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week.

· Find a friend and make a commitment to walking together - you can share weight loss tips, hints and recipes as you walk!

· Keep moving! You'll find the thin people who seem to be able to eat anything at all and never gain weight are the kind of people who hardly ever sit down and no nothing - they're up and moving almost constantly - fidgeting, fiddling. They use up the calories they consume, which of course is the prime rule to weight loss:- expend more than you consume. Put another way - Do more, eat less; or more wisely, Do more, eat better. Losing weight and keeping it off is not about starving yourself, but it is about learning better ways of living.

· Simple ways of 'exercising' include:- take the stairs instead of the lift, walk don't drive, if something needs to be done, get up now and do it, don't put things off to do them all in one go, lots of thin people flit around like birds and keep on the move. You may get exhausted just looking at them, but it's good behaviour to follow if you want to be one of the thin people too.


· Fats - these are good and they are bad. Good fats are those found in produce such as avocados. They are called 'good' fats because they can help in reducing cholesterol and are a good source of B group vitamins, folate, vitamin A, vitamin C and E. potassium, iron, zinc and dietary fibre. As with all foods, enjoy them in moderation, guilt-free.

Fats can be a major problem for those wanting to lose weight. Fats are hidden in many foods you may not equate with fat. Manufacturers have been known to rev up the calories but still claim (truthfully) that the food is low fat! Read the label and pay attention to the 'energy' figure on the nutritional table on the side of the packet - this tells you the total level of calories in the product. Nuts have good fats too.

· Sugar - Be aware that the figure for carbohydrates is where the sugars are listed and there are a variety of different kinds of sugars, including fructose, glucose and sucrose. They all have the same amount of calories.

· An important rule to learn if you want to lose weight and keep it off, is this one:- All things in moderation. You can eat whatever kinds of food you want, but don't eat too much of any one food. You can still eat nuts, if that's what you love. You just need to realise that a small handful of nuts (30g) is a day's serving size of nuts. 30 grams in a day won't make you fat, but 200g in a day probably will, unless you run a marathon every day!

· Fibre in food is a friend to those wanting to attain or maintain a healthy weight. Fibre fills the stomach up, so that you don't feel as hungry, and also helps food pass easily through the digestive system. Choose multi-grain bread, not white bread, and use wholemeal flour not white. You'll learn to really appreciate the flavour!

· Study recipes and learn how to achieve great tasting food without using too much fat or sugar. Instead of sauteing with fat, use a small amount of water in a non-stick pan, try different herbs and spices for favour rather than sugar-laden sauces.

Weighing yourself

· My advise on this is simple:- Don't do it! People, particularly pre-menopausal women, change weight often during the week as they eat, drink, move.

· If you feel you must weigh yourself, limit it to the start of your weight loss program, and then once a week if you really must. The bathroom scales won't help you lose weight, but they can drive you to distraction because they won't immediately show results of your good efforts. This can lead to getting disheartened and giving up. Do yourself a favour and put the bathroom scales away.


· A better method of gauging your success is trying on your trousers! This method gives an indication on how many inches you have lost around your tummy, bottom and legs. The feeling you get when you can fit into that pair of jeans you haven't worn for ages is so wonderful!

· So dig out an item of clothing you haven't been able to wear for ages and that you'd like to fit into again - maybe your wedding dress or a favourite pair of jeans from your past and use that as an incentive.

· Another idea on a similar line is to buy something gorgeous, but in the size you'd like to get to, not the size you have to wear now. That's mega-incentive. Just imagine what it's going to be like the evening you go out in that outfit! It's important to be realistic in the size of the clothing item you choose. If you're currently 10 sizes heavier that is healthy, aim for perhaps the bottom half of the 'overweight' range for your height. This task will be more do-able and more likely to bring success.

· This is what you're losing weight for - so you can wear this item and to feel happy and proud at what you've done.

Reward yourself

· When you lose enough weight to drop a size - tell people who care and understand the importance of what you've done. It's something worth bragging about!

· If chocolate is your passion and you've lost weight in part by denying yourself, treat yourself with a wonderful Swiss chocolate truffle and savour every nibble - don't scoff it, take your time and make the most of the delightful taste. It's much better than scoffing cheap chocolate and feeling guilty.

· Tell yourself how well you've done - you may be a loser in weight, but you're a winner in weight too!

So that's how I did it, it's how you can do it too!

Carolyn Cordon

dreamer, dog breeder, poet, writer

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